DRT 2017 was hosted at the Eden Court Theatre in Inverness (Scotland), and it was organised by the Tectonics group of the University of Aberdeen. This 21st edition kept the tradition of DRT focusing on the study of the deformation behaviour, rheology of minerals, rocks and materials, and tectonics. At the same time, the conference emphasized discussions on the geophysical expression of deformation processes, including a component of applied structural geology.

Organising Committee (University of Aberdeen):

  • Enrique Gomez-Rivas
  • Rob Butler
  • Dave Healy
  • Clare Bond
  • Ian Alsop
  • David Iacopini
  • Hannah Watkins
  • Dave Cornwell
  • Randell Stephenson

Sciencific advisory board:

  • Rick Law (Virginia Tech)
  • John Wheeler (University of Liverpool)
  • Albert Griera (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
  • Stephen Laubach (University of Texas at Austin)
  • Susanne Buiter (Geological Survey Norway)
  • Janos Urai (RWTH University Aachen)
  • Lucie Tajcmanova (ETH Zürich)
  • Giorgio Pennacchioni (University of Padova)
  • Christie Rowe (McGill University)